The major difference and most distinguishing factor between the two types of escorts are that one is self-employed while the other one works under a body.
If you do not understand the difference between the escorts, It can be hard for you even to find a favorable escort.
However, on both sides, you are bound to find escorts who offer bad services. It is always wise for you to always ensure that you get the reviews. There are a variety of websites that you can be in a position to get a review.A website like helps to get reviews. The other place that you are bound to get a review includes google review although they are more eminent on agencies. Travel guides like also have a platform reviews for escorts.
Here are some of the major differences between independent escorts and escorts working for an agency.
The first difference between the agency escorts and independent escorts is flexibility. Agency escorts are bound by rules of the agency. On the other hand, independent escorts are flexible since they control themselves.
The independent escorts are also cheaper and flexible in the payments. However, you do not have anyone to report to if she does not deliver the service.
You are more likely to get cases of fraud on independent escorts than on agency escorts. The reason why agency escorts are more expensive is that the escort has to give some money to the agency.
The other major difference between the two escort agencies is that a majority of the independent escorts are found in brothels. This is simply because when they are here they are in a position to advertise or market their services.
Simply brothels give them space and a forum to advertise their services.
On the other hand, agency escorts do not have to go to brothels. This is simply because the agency helps to market their service. Basically, agencies are in a position to meet very many clients at a go.
Agencies like have a worldwide marketing base and hence are in a position to get to very many customers.
More to that agencies are well known and hence the escorts are also in a position to get a good flow of clients. If an escort has a good name on the agency, the agency also connects her to high paying clients who are bound to pay her well for the services.
However, some independent escorts are in a position to do a proper advertisement for their services. This is because their websites are in a position to feature prominently and attract many clients.
However, in order to rank highly and attract more clients, the websites have to pay a lot of money. The burden is easier on agencies since they cost share between many escorts and hence the cost is reduced.
Future of independent escorts
The independent escorts basically have a weak future. This is because it is where human trafficking thrives. Normally, if we go to sites like craigslist there are a lot of clients who have had bad experiences with independent escorts. However, there is no track of these escorts unlike the escorts in agencies.
This is one of the factors that made classified website C.E.O to be arrested by the FBI. There was a lot of human trafficking that happened under the website.
You are likely to get a human trafficked girl from independent escorts especially in countries like Germany where there are a lot of trafficked girls from eastern Europe.
On the other hand, agency escorts want to maintain a high profile. They will also know more about each escort and where she comes from. More to that, countries like Germany are very strict and want to edge out unlicensed escorts. According to rules passed by the upper house in 2017.
Independent escorts are likely to be wiped out since agencies will in a position to protect their escorts. It will be hard for independent escorts to be in a position to be successful except for the very vigilant ones.
The thing to note about a majority of the agencies is that they are licensed by governments.
On the other hand, some people prefer indepedent escorts. This is simply because they are cheap and very flexible. They are also in a position to do undefined tasks. This simply means that they can offer all their services under one plate.
To expound more, the escort can be in a position to offer massage services and still at the same time offer a girlfriend or a pornstar experience.
However, in an agency, the escorts have defined tasks according to what they are best in. So you will find services like high-class escorts, on the other hand, you are bound to find the pornstar escorts or regular escorts.
The other thing that might make independent escorts preferred, is that very many people do not Like girls who have been over displayed on the agency website pages.
The other thing about independent escorts is that they are generally happier. This is simply because they do not have to share their hard earned money.
However, independent escorts are bound to reduce since governments around the world are fighting human trafficking for sex. Agencies will not generally accept human trafficked people since they are given strict guidelines to follow.
There are many classified websites like that have suffered serious consequences because of allowing human trafficking. This is because independent escorts are hard to trace and giving a forum where they can advertise their services is a huge mistake. This is because there are numerous cartels who traffic humans for sex as independent escorts since they would not be in a position to do that in an agency.
However, one should be keen when looking for escorts in agencies because some have piles of fake photos. The only way that you are able to know genuine escort photo is by looking at reviews from other customers.